There’s always a start for everything
Including your career. Start with us!
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Why intern with us?
Need a quick and effective fix to improve both hard skills and soft skills before entering the real work life? Dekoruma provides you with just what you need! At Dekoruma, we take the phrase ‘fun at work’ so seriously that we continuously raise the bar and kick it up a notch. Gear up for a vibrant environment filled with the brightest minds and ideas.
Real projects
We are crazy about real projects that deliver impact. We can’t wait for you to apply what you’ve been learning and be part of our journey!
More than just pocket money
Competitive salary (not just allowances) is one of the many perks waiting at your door.
Equality and fair treatment
Say goodbye to seniority because it is so yesterday! We believe in equality of treatment towards each and every individual.
Go full-time after internship
Converting to full-time after internship is over? We got you!
Turfa Aulia, ITB
Software Engineer Intern
“It was really fun! I learned a lot both technical and business wise. Working on impactful projects with full responsibility gave me experience in becoming a real software engineer in industry”
Arif Budiono, UI
Social Media Intern
“I learned a lot of things! With comfortable place and environment, I was able to make better ideas. We learned together, we made it better!”
Livia Wijayanti, UNSW, Sydney
Business Analyst Intern
“During my one month internship in Dekoruma, it has been a short but fruitful journey. Not only that I learned the business aspects from buying a property but also some pieces of tech knowledges. It was truly an experience I will not forget”
currently no vacancies opened.
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